
Rate: $0.003 per word

Check for any spelling or grammar issues, inconsistencies in spelling or style, weird formatting, blatant awkwardness

Line edits

Rate: $0.006 per word

Focus on word use/repetition, dialogue tags, correct usage of numbers and numerals, POV and tense, and any inconsistencies in descriptions or characters. Attention is also paid to spelling, capitalization, grammar, and overall mechanics, but line edits are not a substitute for proofreading and I do not recommend using the same person for both.

Light Content Edits (with or without Feedback)

Rate: $0.006 per word

Focus on story structure, details, anything confusing or awkward, and anything else that gets in the way of your story making sense. Some attention is paid to grammar and mechanics, but that will not be the focus of the edits, and it is not a substitute for line edits or proofreading. If you would like my feedback as a reader, on the first read-through of your MS, I can include those as colloquial "asides" in the comments.


$0.0003 per word added on to the rate for your service

I immediately drop what I'm working on, cease my personal life, and focus on your story. I only accept rush jobs with the understanding that I will be able to deliver within your time frame. If I don't think I can, I'll tell you and we can try to work something out.